Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Changing Headlight Bulb on my 05 F-150?

On my 05 F-150, I am having difficulties in accessing the three screws which hold the front headlight cover in place. The owners manual says to peel back the protective cover yet I can't get the cover to move. Since I can't acces the screws, how can I remove the them?Changing Headlight Bulb on my 05 F-150?Unscrew the screws in the center and pull out of the clips holding the rubber in place..sometimes it's better to dig the center out, then it should pull up and the rubber to the side, there are three screws that hold it in place, two covered by the rubber and one on the top.. after undoing all three, pull up on that upper tab a hair to releaseChanging Headlight Bulb on my 05 F-150?I think it may be a light you can change from the inside. I don't have a F-150 but the lights may be similar to a mustang the bulb is in a socket behind the lens. I did have a Ranger and it had lights instead of a lens. It had a rubber boot around the lens and the light screws were behind the rubber boot.
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